As a followup to the previous post, here is a letter from Jesus, as read on KTIS, with His opinion on the celebration of His birthday:
Christmas letter from Jesus
Dec 21, 2011
Nov 28, 2011
When is Enough Enough?
The following was tweeted by @dosomething
My mind started wandering..."Saw a lot of middle schoolers with iPhones over the weekend. How young is too young to get a cell phone?"
...A cell phone in middle school seems OK, but probably not a smart phone.
Then...Why is a cell phone in middle school OK? A few years previously, we were wondering if our high school students should have cell phones. And that whole texting thing? That's just anti-social. ;) about music? I never did get my trimline (and I survived), but I do remember getting my first radio in middle school. I loved this thing! "It's an S... It's an O... It's a crazy radio!" Then in high school, my parents surprised me with a used stereo/turn-table/tape-deck with separate speakers (huge ones, of course). I was the envy of my friends.
Then...thinking about stereos...I remembered visiting my grandparents when I was about thirteen. I was trying to figure out the console phonograph. "How do you change stations on this?" I asked. The reply was "Oh! I suppose you listen to those FM stations." Apparently they hadn't discovered the need for FM yet and were happy listening to AM. FM in their mind was apparently for the young and on-the-edge crowd. I wonder if my grandparents thought I was too young for FM?
Then...Compare that to these portable tiny iPod thingies that they take everywhere and can plug them directly into their ears and never be without music, distraction, creativity, inspiration! It truly is unnatural. There's just no need for that.
Then...VCR's! Certainly no need for movies in the home! They are just another luxury. Of course we deserved multiple TV's by then, but not VCR's.
Then...When did we start deserving even one TV? Growing up, our neighbors didn't have a TV. It wasn't that weird...we felt privileged instead of thinking of them as lacking. Their whole family would come over annually to watch The Wizard of Oz, and again for the Miss America Pageant. (I just realized the strangeness of those two choices). It was a party!
"Too young for what?"
"Need is a funny word"
Evil is not inherent in any thing, but in the intention of the person using it.
Nov 2, 2011
Oct 26, 2011
What's your pit?
...partial lyrics from "Impression That I Get" by Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Have you reached your rock bottom?
Are you one of those that never has and doesn't think they ever will?
"Why go there?" you ask.
Are you content with not being uncomfortable?
Are you willing to take a step out and be more than content?
Would you like to be overwhelmed...with joy and passion for life?
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
"I'm not a coward,
I've just never been tested
I'd like to think that if I was,
I would pass
Look at the tested and think there but for the grace go
I might be a coward,
I'm afraid of what I might find out
I've never had to knock on wood
But I know someone who has
Which makes me wonder if I could
It makes me wonder if
I've never had to knock on wood
And I'm glad I haven't yet
Because I'm sure it isn't good
That's the impression that I get"
Have you reached your rock bottom?
Are you one of those that never has and doesn't think they ever will?
"Why go there?" you ask.
Are you content with not being uncomfortable?
Are you willing to take a step out and be more than content?
Would you like to be overwhelmed...with joy and passion for life?
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
What's your discontent?
Find it or it will find you.
Oct 10, 2011
Life in the Undergrowth
I am currently living in the undergrowth. Lots of life. Lots of death. Lots of regeneration. Lots of decay. Life is thick with all of these. So thick, I sometimes loose track of the fact that there is fresh air slightly above. And that there is a vast expanse of freedom just above the canopy.
Jul 19, 2011
Bluebird is Welcome!
For the past couple days, a bluebird has been visiting our front window. It hovers in front of the window, perches on the sill for a bit, flies around the yard, rests on the Adirondack chair, then returns. It repeats this about a dozen times before disappearing for the day.
After researching some basic symbolism of bluebird visits,
I am more than willing to welcome his presence.
A list of quotes, ideas, beliefs, and truths about
The Bluebird
Transformation. (I think I'm currently experiencing the calm before the storm and am looking forward to a little transformation.)
Passage into happiness and fertility.
(I'm willing to ignore the fertility part, since just passing another birthday. But perhaps I will consider it to be a symbol of fertility in another area of my life.)A new confidence and happiness in coming into your own.
If a bluebird has come into your life, look for opportunities to touch the joyful and intrinsically native aspects of yourself that you may have lost touch with.
It is a bird of transition, of passage--from winter to summer, from child to adult, night to day, barrenness to fertility.
The beautiful blue of its plumage is associated with the sky and eternal happiness. Unlike the swallow, it does not have a 'dark' side.
My, oh, my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
(maybe after a few thunderstorms and along with intense heat)
Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's factual
Everything is satisfactual...
The Bluebird Song is sung to remind Navajo tribe members to wake at dawn and rise to greet the sun.
(This may be the one and only message trying to get through to me....
Bright colors.
Excellent eyesight.
Sweet Song!
Denotes spiritual joy and contentedness, foretells happy conditions in one's life.
There is definitely a feel of "looking forward" in all of this.
That would be a transformation for me, wouldn't it?
Jun 25, 2011
The Next Step
Feeling overwhelmed with obligations, responsibilities, purposes, visions, burdens, worries.
Trying to prioritize.
What's the next step? There are so many. How do I do it all?
There can only be one next step! It's impossible to take more than one step at a time.
That narrows it down quite a bit.
In order to move at all, I just have to pick one next step.
That step might be a physical action, an emotional shift, or an intellectual "ah-ha!" It might take a few seconds, a day, or a month. I may not even realize when it was completed, but hind-sight will tell me is finished.
Then...the next next step...
...just pick one.
Trying to prioritize.
What's the next step? There are so many. How do I do it all? step at a time...
There can only be one next step! It's impossible to take more than one step at a time.
That narrows it down quite a bit.
In order to move at all, I just have to pick one next step.
That step might be a physical action, an emotional shift, or an intellectual "ah-ha!" It might take a few seconds, a day, or a month. I may not even realize when it was completed, but hind-sight will tell me is finished.
Then...the next next step...
...just pick one.
Jun 13, 2011
Serendipitous Fortune Cookie
Fortune cookies, to me, are entertainment and dessert. I don't put any more faith in them than I do in any other "coincidence" that God has orchestrated.
With that said, I find it very interesting that I had the following fortune this past week (in light of my last post):
Perhaps a little serendipitous.
Perhaps coincidence.
Perhaps divine orchestration.
Definitely consider boldly facing forward into the future, instead of settling for facing backward.
Logistically, I do believe it is possible to "walk backwards into the future." But the point might be that one cannot do it as boldly, confidently, or courageously as is possible by facing the future.
I'd like to face my future boldly, confidently, and courageously. Next step...discovering the next step.
Thus, the journey continues.
With that said, I find it very interesting that I had the following fortune this past week (in light of my last post):
"No one can walk backwards into the future."
Perhaps a little serendipitous.
Perhaps coincidence.
Perhaps divine orchestration.
Definitely consider boldly facing forward into the future, instead of settling for facing backward.
Logistically, I do believe it is possible to "walk backwards into the future." But the point might be that one cannot do it as boldly, confidently, or courageously as is possible by facing the future.
I'd like to face my future boldly, confidently, and courageously. Next step...discovering the next step.
Thus, the journey continues.
Jun 2, 2011
I'm a Dreamer.
I’m a dreamer. Daytime and nighttime. They intermix...the daytime with nighttime dreams...the dreams themselves...and dreams with reality (whatever that is).
My day dreams aren’t as often whimsical fantasies of escape as they are visions of a radical future. They include both promises fulfilled and the battles fought along the way. They are frequently overwhelming and hard to wrap my mind around. They are the dreams that I am compelled to share with my closest friends, who are always quick to affirm the passion they’ve stirred.
My night dreams are sometimes too prolific to process. Even those rambling, inane trips through an ever-changing landscape tend to hide in them profound messages of hope and encouragement: keep the can do it...this journey is yours...embrace who you are. The messages can be simple and obvious (don’t eat ice-cream before going to sleep) or deep and difficult (the call to step out of my comfort zone...further). The meaning for me seems to be glaringly obvious at first awakening, but the more I think on it, the more complex it becomes. Keeping a dream journal is invaluable, but in hindsight, it is always amazing how much is revealed to me through dreams that I don’t process consciously.
Recording my visions and dreams, followed by my thoughts and interpretations of each, then looking back through them every few months, has been an adventure. In trying to keep moving forward in life, while facing backward, my dreams are those peripheral glimpses of the path ahead of me.
This week, a dear friend helped me to see that perhaps facing backward isn't necessarily the default in life. Maybe my personal journey includes having the courage to actually turn around and boldly face forward on the path. Maybe it's possible to move toward those visions with more confidence and less fear. I like it. It might take me a while, but I’m game.
I'm hoping you'll walk with me and let me know when you notice me starting to face forward!
My day dreams aren’t as often whimsical fantasies of escape as they are visions of a radical future. They include both promises fulfilled and the battles fought along the way. They are frequently overwhelming and hard to wrap my mind around. They are the dreams that I am compelled to share with my closest friends, who are always quick to affirm the passion they’ve stirred.
My night dreams are sometimes too prolific to process. Even those rambling, inane trips through an ever-changing landscape tend to hide in them profound messages of hope and encouragement: keep the can do it...this journey is yours...embrace who you are. The messages can be simple and obvious (don’t eat ice-cream before going to sleep) or deep and difficult (the call to step out of my comfort zone...further). The meaning for me seems to be glaringly obvious at first awakening, but the more I think on it, the more complex it becomes. Keeping a dream journal is invaluable, but in hindsight, it is always amazing how much is revealed to me through dreams that I don’t process consciously.
Recording my visions and dreams, followed by my thoughts and interpretations of each, then looking back through them every few months, has been an adventure. In trying to keep moving forward in life, while facing backward, my dreams are those peripheral glimpses of the path ahead of me.
This week, a dear friend helped me to see that perhaps facing backward isn't necessarily the default in life. Maybe my personal journey includes having the courage to actually turn around and boldly face forward on the path. Maybe it's possible to move toward those visions with more confidence and less fear. I like it. It might take me a while, but I’m game.
I'm hoping you'll walk with me and let me know when you notice me starting to face forward!
May 28, 2011
Over-Thinking and Under-Doing
I've been struggling with what I thought was a lack of something to say. Well, that just didn't resonate. I can't remember when the last time was that I didn't have something to say (many of you will vouch for that). There have been times when I didn't think anyone was listening, so I refrained from speaking or writing, but the myriad of thoughts have always run rampant in my head.
So...what has really been going on then, if I couldn't decide what to write? I've never had a problem writing. My biggest peace has always come from writing. And once I start, I just can't stop. I crave time to write. So, I wondered if the idea of making my thoughts public was the hindrance for me? Maybe...that has been a block over the years. But...I believe I have been blessed enough by "spilling my guts" in the past, that I now trust that sharing will always bring more favor than adversity. Despite the vulnerability I sometimes feel, I usually trust it's just akin to the jitters before a performance.
Finally, it hit me! I have too much to write about! I can't pick one thought over another...they are all so worthy of being explored ( least to me...and, truth be told, if I'm not interested in it, why would I write about it??).
Solution? Write about what's on my mind at the moment? Oh, no...I could never type fast enough. Nor would anyone want to read it!
I guess I'm still working on the solution. Just like life, my focus will always be on Facing life intentionally. Some of the topics that I will be - randomly or not - touching on will be the things that I have passion for in my life. Of course. I do tend to find the quirky details within the big picture and can be easily led astray by colorful objects and thoughts. But...the heart of this blog is intentionality. The body is comprised of all the Big Ideas that help focus all the chaos into something with a name.
Some of the Big Ideas that you can expect to wander through with me are...
So...what has really been going on then, if I couldn't decide what to write? I've never had a problem writing. My biggest peace has always come from writing. And once I start, I just can't stop. I crave time to write. So, I wondered if the idea of making my thoughts public was the hindrance for me? Maybe...that has been a block over the years. But...I believe I have been blessed enough by "spilling my guts" in the past, that I now trust that sharing will always bring more favor than adversity. Despite the vulnerability I sometimes feel, I usually trust it's just akin to the jitters before a performance.
Finally, it hit me! I have too much to write about! I can't pick one thought over another...they are all so worthy of being explored ( least to me...and, truth be told, if I'm not interested in it, why would I write about it??).
Solution? Write about what's on my mind at the moment? Oh, no...I could never type fast enough. Nor would anyone want to read it!
I guess I'm still working on the solution. Just like life, my focus will always be on Facing life intentionally. Some of the topics that I will be - randomly or not - touching on will be the things that I have passion for in my life. Of course. I do tend to find the quirky details within the big picture and can be easily led astray by colorful objects and thoughts. But...the heart of this blog is intentionality. The body is comprised of all the Big Ideas that help focus all the chaos into something with a name.
Some of the Big Ideas that you can expect to wander through with me are...
- Homeless our own back yard (
- Support & Mentoring Ministries...depression, abuse, recovery...
- Sex Trafficking...Yes, in our own back yard (
- Christianity, prayer, and a Biblical world-view.
May 21, 2011
Letting Go
I have been hearing the message a lot lately, from many directions, telling me to let go...move a victor, not a victim...choose freedom over bondage. My reaction has mostly been that I am so glad that I have been able to let go of so much from the past. I've worked through a lot and have felt a great freedom and transformation, over the past year especially.
So, I had to wonder why I had been getting this message again. I got my answer this morning, thanks to Sarah, who spoke at our women's brunch. Of course, she talked about freedom. What did I expect? Over and over she asked "what is holding you hostage?" Giving examples, and asking again.
The answer I heard ringing in my head over and over, as Sarah asked the question over and over, was "my expectations of others." That is what holds me hostage...unable to taste the freedom of what is in store for me.
I have expectations of my husband, my children, friends, co-workers, my church, my neighbors, ...politicians even! The convicting thoughts kept popping into my head, one after another. Every expectation I have of someone else just leads to frustration and usually disappointment on my part. Why? Simply because other people are not me. Duh! Right? They don't make the same choices, have the same thoughts, live the same life, or have the same likes and dislikes, as me. (How boring if they did!) So, of course, they will not meet my expectations.
Looking at it that way, why on earth would anyone want to be in bondage to their expectations of others and let themselves be distracted from making their own choices, having their own thoughts, and living their own life...regardless of what anyone else does, thinks, or says?
Now that I have been awakened to this, let's see how well I do at recognizing this on a daily basis. Letting go...of my expectations of others. Choosing to live my life. You know...that could bring some pretty awesome surprises...
What's holding you hostage?
So, I had to wonder why I had been getting this message again. I got my answer this morning, thanks to Sarah, who spoke at our women's brunch. Of course, she talked about freedom. What did I expect? Over and over she asked "what is holding you hostage?" Giving examples, and asking again.
The answer I heard ringing in my head over and over, as Sarah asked the question over and over, was "my expectations of others." That is what holds me hostage...unable to taste the freedom of what is in store for me.
I have expectations of my husband, my children, friends, co-workers, my church, my neighbors, ...politicians even! The convicting thoughts kept popping into my head, one after another. Every expectation I have of someone else just leads to frustration and usually disappointment on my part. Why? Simply because other people are not me. Duh! Right? They don't make the same choices, have the same thoughts, live the same life, or have the same likes and dislikes, as me. (How boring if they did!) So, of course, they will not meet my expectations.
Looking at it that way, why on earth would anyone want to be in bondage to their expectations of others and let themselves be distracted from making their own choices, having their own thoughts, and living their own life...regardless of what anyone else does, thinks, or says?
Now that I have been awakened to this, let's see how well I do at recognizing this on a daily basis. Letting go...of my expectations of others. Choosing to live my life. You know...that could bring some pretty awesome surprises...
What's holding you hostage?
May 16, 2011
Service and ME
Every since writing that last post, I have been bothered by how whiney it sounded. I would just delete it, but then this post wouldn't make sense as a followup to it! Sure, I was thanking someone for great service, but that was just the exclamation point at the end of how much I don't expect good service, and how rare I believe it is.
Deep down, when I was writing about my stress in dealing with service personnel, I was wondering where I fell on that servant scale. From one to ten, if one is "hate serving, and people" and ten is "service with a (sincere) smile," I was feeling like I'm definitely in the lower end most of the time.
Of course, when it's something I enjoy doing, and/or something I'm getting paid to dedicate my time to, I can cheerfully serve and feel like I'm doing a service. often is that...really?
In my daily routine, when it imposes on my time, or is outside my job description...
Do I happily serve my family in a way the helps improve their day?
Do I notice when someone at the store needs a hand with groceries? And then offer that hand?
Do I pleasantly let the anxious person at the stop sign go out of turn?
Do I thank the attendants and cashiers I interact with?
Do I listen to a friend - or stranger - with a heartache or frustration?
Do I notice how much I have, compared to others in my community, and find a way to share?
I could go on and on with ideas, but I would have to answer all of them "not usually."
If I think of how delighted I was with the simple act of good service I experienced last week, I should link that to how I could also be someone who could pass on a little delight.
Funny thing is, I know it would make my day better also, to know I was a part of sharing a little delight with someone else. Why don't I more often? Intentionality. I want to more often. I want to be more intentional about serving others.
In the analogy of Facing Backwards...I want to slow down on the path so I can make sure I'm going the right direction and that I'm paying attention to the clues that I'm tripping over. I want to slow down enough that I will notice others on their paths, too. Not just stare at my path and worry about if I'm comfortable...or complain because I'm tripping over someone's pain...or get frustrated because I have to slow down when my path intersects another. Those intersections are where the opportunities to serve are.
That's what I wanted to say.
Please post a comment if...
You have a suggestion on out-of-the-box or out-of-my-comfort-zone ways to be intentional about serving.
You have a story about a way that you served, or were served, that is inspirational, fun, or unique.
Deep down, when I was writing about my stress in dealing with service personnel, I was wondering where I fell on that servant scale. From one to ten, if one is "hate serving, and people" and ten is "service with a (sincere) smile," I was feeling like I'm definitely in the lower end most of the time.
Of course, when it's something I enjoy doing, and/or something I'm getting paid to dedicate my time to, I can cheerfully serve and feel like I'm doing a service. often is that...really?
In my daily routine, when it imposes on my time, or is outside my job description...
Do I happily serve my family in a way the helps improve their day?
Do I notice when someone at the store needs a hand with groceries? And then offer that hand?
Do I pleasantly let the anxious person at the stop sign go out of turn?
Do I thank the attendants and cashiers I interact with?
Do I listen to a friend - or stranger - with a heartache or frustration?
Do I notice how much I have, compared to others in my community, and find a way to share?
I could go on and on with ideas, but I would have to answer all of them "not usually."
If I think of how delighted I was with the simple act of good service I experienced last week, I should link that to how I could also be someone who could pass on a little delight.
Funny thing is, I know it would make my day better also, to know I was a part of sharing a little delight with someone else. Why don't I more often? Intentionality. I want to more often. I want to be more intentional about serving others.
In the analogy of Facing Backwards...I want to slow down on the path so I can make sure I'm going the right direction and that I'm paying attention to the clues that I'm tripping over. I want to slow down enough that I will notice others on their paths, too. Not just stare at my path and worry about if I'm comfortable...or complain because I'm tripping over someone's pain...or get frustrated because I have to slow down when my path intersects another. Those intersections are where the opportunities to serve are.
That's what I wanted to say.
Please post a comment if...
You have a suggestion on out-of-the-box or out-of-my-comfort-zone ways to be intentional about serving.
You have a story about a way that you served, or were served, that is inspirational, fun, or unique.
May 11, 2011
Service People Who Don't Like Serving...or People
I just had a wonderful experience with a service call (well, service chat actually). When was the last time you were able to say that?
Usually, when I find myself in the frustrating place of thinking I've tried everything I know and I just need to talk to someone in the service department, I suddenly feel my anxiety level increase. It's as if I will try anything, everything, several times, many times before resorting to the dreaded support department. I will even sometimes call friends who don't know anything about the situation just to reassure myself that it's not a dumb question...before calling support. By the time I finally do break down and contact the service line, I'm already defensive, feeling oh-so-stupid, and irritated (as I'm guessing 90 percent of all service call customers are).
What's with all the anxiety and defensiveness before calling service? Isn't service supposed to serve your needs and set you at ease? It's been suggested to me by friends who are in the service field that coming into the conversation from a more amiable starting point would probably help.
I did try being the nice, supportive one a few times. After all, this person on the other end probably hates their job, or maybe they didn't get enough sleep, or maybe they have childhood issues ....wait a minute...who is supporting who on this supposed-to-be-5-minute call? I just want to know how to do something that's your job to tell me how to do, If I knew how, I wouldn't have called.
So, the next phase was trying to be patient and assume the service person just doesn't understand my dilemma. They just need me to explain it again, right? Apparently not. You see, they already know my dilemma and are certain it has nothing to do with them, the company they work for, or anything really. Sigh.
I've resorted to the online support chat lately, whenever it's available. It's much easier to not notice the condescension or ambivalence in their voice when you can't hear their voice. It's also less personable, which you would think would not be good. But...some service people just don't want to be personable. I'll respect that. I just want my problem fixed.
So...I had to call support this evening. I went through all the contortions all day trying to solve the problem on my own. Then I posted a question in the appropriate forum. Just making sure I was posting to the correct forum takes more time than calling support. But I had to be sure I had exhausted all other options. The answers in the forum were what I dreaded....I needed to contact my hosting company.
OK...big on "live chat support" at and watch the timer count down. Within seconds, Andrew types "hi". I type out my question as clearly as I can. Immediate response with a link to an article with step by step directions. But wait...(see it can't be this simple)...I got this far but I don't know the IP address...I know it's a dumb question, but I just can't find the IP address. Within seconds, Andrew gave me the IP address!!! Just like that. Not directions to finding it. Not someone else to ask. Not a reason why I should know it. THANK YOU Andrew!
I actually didn't have any further questions for Andrew, but I made one up so the chat could last a tiny bit longer.
Thank you to all you wonderful service people out there that love serving...and people!
Usually, when I find myself in the frustrating place of thinking I've tried everything I know and I just need to talk to someone in the service department, I suddenly feel my anxiety level increase. It's as if I will try anything, everything, several times, many times before resorting to the dreaded support department. I will even sometimes call friends who don't know anything about the situation just to reassure myself that it's not a dumb question...before calling support. By the time I finally do break down and contact the service line, I'm already defensive, feeling oh-so-stupid, and irritated (as I'm guessing 90 percent of all service call customers are).
What's with all the anxiety and defensiveness before calling service? Isn't service supposed to serve your needs and set you at ease? It's been suggested to me by friends who are in the service field that coming into the conversation from a more amiable starting point would probably help.
I did try being the nice, supportive one a few times. After all, this person on the other end probably hates their job, or maybe they didn't get enough sleep, or maybe they have childhood issues ....wait a minute...who is supporting who on this supposed-to-be-5-minute call? I just want to know how to do something that's your job to tell me how to do, If I knew how, I wouldn't have called.
So, the next phase was trying to be patient and assume the service person just doesn't understand my dilemma. They just need me to explain it again, right? Apparently not. You see, they already know my dilemma and are certain it has nothing to do with them, the company they work for, or anything really. Sigh.
I've resorted to the online support chat lately, whenever it's available. It's much easier to not notice the condescension or ambivalence in their voice when you can't hear their voice. It's also less personable, which you would think would not be good. But...some service people just don't want to be personable. I'll respect that. I just want my problem fixed.
So...I had to call support this evening. I went through all the contortions all day trying to solve the problem on my own. Then I posted a question in the appropriate forum. Just making sure I was posting to the correct forum takes more time than calling support. But I had to be sure I had exhausted all other options. The answers in the forum were what I dreaded....I needed to contact my hosting company.
OK...big on "live chat support" at and watch the timer count down. Within seconds, Andrew types "hi". I type out my question as clearly as I can. Immediate response with a link to an article with step by step directions. But wait...(see it can't be this simple)...I got this far but I don't know the IP address...I know it's a dumb question, but I just can't find the IP address. Within seconds, Andrew gave me the IP address!!! Just like that. Not directions to finding it. Not someone else to ask. Not a reason why I should know it. THANK YOU Andrew!
I actually didn't have any further questions for Andrew, but I made one up so the chat could last a tiny bit longer.
Thank you to all you wonderful service people out there that love serving...and people!
May 10, 2011
Amazing Storm Clouds
This was taken in Anoka about 8:30 pm today, near the intersection of Main Street and Ferry Street. Every direction we looked was a totally different, but amazing display in the sky.
Yep! Summer is here! (for now)
Yep! Summer is here! (for now)
May 8, 2011
Thoughts on Mothers' Day
A friend told me the other day that her devotional talked about the origins of Mother's Day. It said that Mother's Day originated after the Civil War when mothers gathered in an attempt to create more unity between the north and the south. It was about mothers uniting and making a difference.
That got me thinking and I did a very quick internet search on the origins of Mothers' Day. Although there were many explanations, original traditions, timelines, and spiritual backgrounds, it was clear that the practice of honoring mothers is a relatively new tradition.
My reaction to this information surprised me. It was a sort of relief. Instead of expecting to be honored, I felt more of a feeling of honor toward the women that have gone before us. And I felt honored just to be associated with these women of courage and strength and caring and passion.
My thoughts turned toward rising to that honor. I don't want to be honored just because I gave birth. I think we should honor all women for their roles as care-takers, ministers to the soul, encouragers, supporters, and so much more. I want to be that kind of woman (a Proverbs 31 woman?).
I am very blessed to have many women in my life that are worthy of being honored for the sacrifices they make and the passion they have for righteousness. They are all role models to me. I want to thank them all for how they have impacted my life. I pray I never stop trying to rise to that honor.
Thank You! to Mom, Grandma, and all the women in my life!
That got me thinking and I did a very quick internet search on the origins of Mothers' Day. Although there were many explanations, original traditions, timelines, and spiritual backgrounds, it was clear that the practice of honoring mothers is a relatively new tradition.
My reaction to this information surprised me. It was a sort of relief. Instead of expecting to be honored, I felt more of a feeling of honor toward the women that have gone before us. And I felt honored just to be associated with these women of courage and strength and caring and passion.
My thoughts turned toward rising to that honor. I don't want to be honored just because I gave birth. I think we should honor all women for their roles as care-takers, ministers to the soul, encouragers, supporters, and so much more. I want to be that kind of woman (a Proverbs 31 woman?).
I am very blessed to have many women in my life that are worthy of being honored for the sacrifices they make and the passion they have for righteousness. They are all role models to me. I want to thank them all for how they have impacted my life. I pray I never stop trying to rise to that honor.
Thank You! to Mom, Grandma, and all the women in my life!
May 7, 2011
Facing Backward
Seeing your future - God's will in your life - which direction you should take - is like facing backwards while walking forward. Not walking backwards over the same path previously traveled. Facing backward means you cannot see in the direction in which you are traveling. You don't know what is ahead of you, but you can see clearly what is behind you. A lot like life, right?
If you try to rush, you will stumble and fall, or crash. If you don't move at all, you will obviously never get any where. You will be stagnant...stuck...or maybe even decide to go back on the path where you can see and it's familiar.
But if you take careful, slow steps, you can "feel" your way. You will be able to detect slight changes in the path and adjust your step to stay on course. You may also notice something left behind on the path by someone who traveled it before you. Maybe something placed intentionally for you, to help direct you, or encourage you? Maybe clues - that were carelessly dropped or lost along the way - as to what worked well or not-so-well for others gone before you.
"Facing Backward" is about living life in an intentional way. Taking slow, careful steps; all the while watching for clues to indicate which way you should be traveling. Watching where you've been to see how much progress you have made - not to stay there or return there.
As much as I would like, I have not been able to face forward and see clearly where I am going in life. I can easily freeze in fear of taking the wrong step or tripping. But the more often I can keep moving slowly, the more confidence I gain in being able to take those steps despite the fear.
I'm lucky enough to sometimes glance over my shoulder and get a peripheral peek at what's to come. Those glimpses are vivid, enticing, and are so bright that they temporarily blind me to the scene behind me. They are burned into my memory and serve as road maps that deliver assurance and determination in the direction I'm going.
If you try to rush, you will stumble and fall, or crash. If you don't move at all, you will obviously never get any where. You will be stagnant...stuck...or maybe even decide to go back on the path where you can see and it's familiar.
But if you take careful, slow steps, you can "feel" your way. You will be able to detect slight changes in the path and adjust your step to stay on course. You may also notice something left behind on the path by someone who traveled it before you. Maybe something placed intentionally for you, to help direct you, or encourage you? Maybe clues - that were carelessly dropped or lost along the way - as to what worked well or not-so-well for others gone before you.
"Facing Backward" is about living life in an intentional way. Taking slow, careful steps; all the while watching for clues to indicate which way you should be traveling. Watching where you've been to see how much progress you have made - not to stay there or return there.
As much as I would like, I have not been able to face forward and see clearly where I am going in life. I can easily freeze in fear of taking the wrong step or tripping. But the more often I can keep moving slowly, the more confidence I gain in being able to take those steps despite the fear.
I'm lucky enough to sometimes glance over my shoulder and get a peripheral peek at what's to come. Those glimpses are vivid, enticing, and are so bright that they temporarily blind me to the scene behind me. They are burned into my memory and serve as road maps that deliver assurance and determination in the direction I'm going.
May 6, 2011
Happy Birthday, Mike!
Two days ago I decided I would start a blog...soon. I decided I needed to set a deadline for myself or I'd spend a month trying to make it look perfect and not have any words on it. Today I decided, while in the restroom during lunch, that today was my deadline. You see, I had gathered (at the restaurant, not in the restroom) with my brothers, sister-in-laws, parents, and grandma, to celebrate the life of my brother Mike. Mike would have been 50 today, but the Lord took him home this past September 5. Why wait to start my blog? I am starting it today, in Mike's honor, on his birthday. The "pretty" can wait...I'm sure Mike would appreciate that.
Returning to the table, Paul showed me his Facebook post for the day:
Returning to the table, Paul showed me his Facebook post for the day:
Happy Birthday I look to the sky
Happy Birthday with a tear in my eye
Happy Birthday this is still your day
Happy Birthday I wish you would have stayed
Happy Birthday Mike!
5-6-61 / 9-5-10
After lunch, a trip to the cemetery included prayer, tears, stories, laughter, music and a motorcycle.This is our view at the cemetery. I'm sure Mike's view would look much more like an aerial photo.
We miss you, Mike.
Curious about the title of the blog "Facing Backward"?
Thought so.
Happy Birthday with a tear in my eye
Happy Birthday this is still your day
Happy Birthday I wish you would have stayed
Happy Birthday Mike!
5-6-61 / 9-5-10
After lunch, a trip to the cemetery included prayer, tears, stories, laughter, music and a motorcycle.
This is our view at the cemetery. I'm sure Mike's view would look much more like an aerial photo.
We miss you, Mike.
Curious about the title of the blog "Facing Backward"?
Thought so.
We miss you, Mike.
Curious about the title of the blog "Facing Backward"?
Thought so.
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