Jul 19, 2011

Bluebird is Welcome!

Eastern Blue Bird 
For the past couple days, a bluebird has been visiting our front window. It hovers in front of the window, perches on the sill for a bit, flies around the yard, rests on the Adirondack chair, then returns. It repeats this about a dozen times before disappearing for the day.

After researching some basic symbolism of bluebird visits,
I am more than willing to welcome his presence.

A list of quotes, ideas, beliefs, and truths about
The Bluebird

Transformation. (I think I'm currently experiencing the calm before the storm and am looking forward to a little transformation.)

Passage into happiness and fertility. 
(I'm willing to ignore the fertility part, since just passing another birthday. But perhaps I will consider it to be a symbol of fertility in another area of my life.)

A new confidence and happiness in coming into your own.

If a bluebird has come into your life, look for opportunities to touch the joyful and intrinsically native aspects of yourself that you may have lost touch with.

It is a bird of transition, of passage--from winter to summer, from child to adult, night to day, barrenness to fertility.

The beautiful blue of its plumage is associated with the sky and eternal happiness. Unlike the swallow, it does not have a 'dark' side.

My, oh, my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way 
          (maybe after a few thunderstorms and along with intense heat)
Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's factual
Everything is satisfactual...

The Bluebird Song is sung to remind Navajo tribe members to wake at dawn and rise to greet the sun.
      (This may be the one and only message trying to get through to me....

Bright colors.

Excellent eyesight.

Sweet Song!

Denotes spiritual joy and contentedness, foretells happy conditions in one's life.

There is definitely a feel of "looking forward" in all of this.
That would be a transformation for me, wouldn't it?