Aug 30, 2012

Silver Lining Affirmation

Yesterday I sent an email to my inner circle of supporters privately declaring my official launch of the Silver Lining Project. It's been a long time coming - years - and not without a lot of inner obstacles and outer doubts. For something that seems so simple and right, there certainly is a lot of angst attached to it. As I should have expected, today brought an attack of proportions equal to the excitement I had just hurled out of my private space into the "real world".

Driving this afternoon, my iPod cranked more than usual in the car, I was asking (actually, whining to) God why there always has to be a struggle walking along side every blessing. I was hoping for a little tedium for a while, but wasn't finding it. God replied immediately, shouting through my iPod, in the lyrics:
Don't you give up now 
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining
Whoa! One of my favorite songs was playing and, not surprising, I had not really heard this stanza before.  This time it was crystal clear, and loud. My cynical, and faithless, response to God, as I looked up and saw a sky completely full of clouds? "OK, so prove it and lets see the sun shine through!" Before the song was half done, this is what I saw:
(click to see larger)

Point taken.
I apologized for the cynicism.
Thanked Him for the encouragement.
Promised I wouldn't give up. 
Not like I really would have.
Don't think I can.


(Yes, I stopped the car to take the photo)

The song on You Tube with Lyrics
"What Faith Can Do" by Kutless:

Silver Lining Project:
"There is deep healing that occurs when the grip of secrecy and shame is shattered by the telling of one’s story. And there is equally deep hope, comfort, and encouragement for those who get to hear those stories and realize they are not alone. I am passionate about encouraging women to share their stories."

Aug 28, 2012

August at the Cabin

Almost There
(Click on photos for larger view)

Greeted by a Fungi
Looking Up on the Path
Lake View

On the way to the dock
An Important Part of the Cabin Experience

Last Hooray Before Home

Aug 27, 2012

No Earthly Good

Perhaps I am “so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good.” 

I desperately want heaven to open and pour down on me. I desperately want myself and those around me to desperately want something more from life. Knowing that that desperation will never be satisfied this side of heaven, I want heaven to come to earth and increase that desperation in all of us for more of heaven. 

I have no. desire. what. so. ever. to do chores. 

Perhaps that is why I sometimes feel I am "no earthly good."