Apr 23, 2012

If We Had Known

by Kelly Wegscheid

If grandma had known how lies transform into shadows, dark and dense…
If grandma had known that secrets are seeds that grow like sequoias - immense…
If grandma had known that a tiny piece of every sin would cling to those she loved…
Would she have had the strength to stand in light and ask for mercy from above?

If grandpa had known his daughter’s heart was fragile and afraid…
If grandpa had known his words could cure the aches of night and day…
If grandpa had known that grace and love really did pour through his eyes
Would he have spoke more frequently of love and strength before he died?

If I had known my actions then would bring me to my knees,
And make me cry out every night to stop the pain, Lord, please…
If I had known the things God knows back when my life was spinning…
Would I have stood and had the strength to keep those lives from ending?

Will my children know the pain incurred from those who nurse the lies?
Will my grand-kids feel the secrets old that grip so many lives?
For them to know, when day is done, that light can heal all shame,
Someone has to be the one that shares the power of Your Name.

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